My Favorite Hobby: Drawing / Painting
Drawing / Painting
Today I feel like sharing a hobby that I've been practicing for years. I've been drawing since I was little and I think my true inspiration was my brother, which was 11 at the time I think. I am a self taught artist, my brother didn't teach me how to draw because he was busy, and I am glad he didn't because I've managed to be better than him at it. Ok now that we got out of the way, I'm going to talk about how I officially started.
How I started
So, I do my drawings in my computer, and how do I do that you may ask? Well, when I first started to draw on computer, I used an old out-dated tablet that my brother bought a couple of years ago, the cable was a bit broken when he handed it to me, so I had to take good care of it. Weeks went by and I was getting kinda sick of it because it was impossible to draw on it, the tablet didn't have a screen so I couldn't see the drawing well, So I did what any logical person would do, quit. A couple of years went by, I was in "Remate" when I saw this mysterious box that looked interesting. It really had me curious so I asked an employee if they could open it for me. And when they did, It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It was a drawing tablet with all the accesories. I saw that the price was 200.00 and I was confused why because these things are very pricy in Amazon, but they told me that it was because some parts were missing. Oh man were they wrong. Later on, I took it home and my brother was jealous. He was angry because I got the tablet at a low price when on other places the prices were higher. Moving on, my drawing techniques.
Drawing Techniques
When drawing, I use a couple of techniques that I've learned through out the years, And today I wanted to share them with you. Firstly, when drawing something like human anatomy you won't get it right off the bat, so what I usually do is draw a sketch of what it would look like. To do that you will first start drawing (sort of like building) the anatomy with various shapes like for example a circle as the base for the head and lines where the arms and legs should go. Finally, shading is something very easy but very important to do. Not only does it improve your drawing, but it makes it stand out more than other drawings, lets say that it makes it more... visually appealing to the human eye. So, what I usually do to shade is to fill in the parts where the shading is supposed to go, and with a soft brush (or blending stump), try to blend it until the sharp lines disappear.
Tool Recommendations
Next, I'm gonna be listing three main tools that I use and how I use them, So without further ado, let's get started. First, a pencil, but not just any pencil, a mechanical one. I use a mechanical pencil because they have better grip when drawing unlike a regular wood pencil, plus, it feels more fancy somehow. Second, a eraser pen. This is because big erasers are very annoying when drawing. Most of them erase more than what you intended to erase, and that's where the eraser pen comes in. Feels better and can erase little details that regular erasers can't. And last but not least, the blending stump that I mentioned before. Helps a lot when trying to shade a drawing. People use various alternatives like their fingers, tissues, among others, but none beat the blending stump, it just gives better results.
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